The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council tells us that participation in the liturgy is the right and duty of all the baptized.  Liturgical ministry provides opportunities for Catholics of various ages to serve in the liturgy, which is seen as the action of God's own people.  They can be seen as a mirror of Christ who washed the feet of his disciples and instructed his followers to imitate his example of service. 

Altar Servers

Altar serving is a wonderful ministry that allows children to become involved in our parish.  As an altar server, they serve an important role by assisting the priests and deacons on the altar during our Sunday (and Saturday Vigil) Masses, as well as Masses of special occasions.  The blessings they receive in serving our Lord on the altar will enable them to continue to grow in their faith and relationship with Christ.

Any child in fourth grade and up who has celebrated their First Holy Communion is invited to participate in our parish as an Altar Server.  Children attend a training session prior to serving.

For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office

To obtain more information for a child to participate as an altar server, please contact the Religious Education Office.

Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical ministers participate in a special way by serving at our Masses and liturgies.  All those in liturgical ministry are called to exercise themselves in a proper and reverent manner in respecting the nature and the dynamics of the liturgical celebration.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Eucharistic celebration.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during the Mass.  They also bring communion to parishioners who are sick and home-bound. 

Ushers help to promote a welcoming environment in our liturgies.  They offer assistance to attendees, take up the collection, and distribute the parish bulletin and other materials.

For more information on how you can participate as a liturgical minister, please contact our Liturgy coordinators.

For more information on serving as a liturgical minister:


Deacon Robert Dinsmore



Lorenzo Rodriguez


Music Ministry

Participants in the Music Ministry make meaningful music for everyone to participate and to reflect, and is vital to providing a life-giving, faith-giving, and unifying experience in our liturgical celebrations.  It is a way of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through song and leading others to encounter the presence of Christ through our worship of Him.

Those in Music Ministry develop their gifts as they work to promote full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy.

For adults who wish to participate or obtain more information, please contact our Music Ministry team.

For children of the parish in second grade and up, they are invited to participate in the Children's Music Ministry Choir coordinated by the Religious Education Program.  Please contact the Religious Education Office.  You can also find more information on the Religious Education website.

For more information on participating in Music Ministry:


Jose Antonio Bornot


Organist / Cantor

Maria de Lourdes Regalado
